
5610-A Morton Road


Extracurriculars & Clubs


Theatre 1: In theatre 1, students get a basic overview of theatrical concepts and techniques. We know that not all of our students will become theatre artists; however, theatre offers soft skills that most careers and subjects will need. For example: thinking on your feet, problem-solving, using 'mistakes' as a growing and learning opportunity, basic public speaking, and a variety of others. We cover theatre etiquette, basic performance skills, scriptwriting, improvisation, theatrical design, and set and costume design, puppetry, and some theatre history. Students leave this class with the skills and confidence to embark and be successful in any of their future adventures.

Mixed Advanced (Theatre 2-4): Our mixed advanced classes are designed to further the studies and interests found in the theatre one class. Students begin building a portfolio of work. The Mixed Advanced classes go into script analysis and deeper theatre history. Students have the opportunity to create a resume, audition, direct and participate in the casting process, create costumes and props, and more. Every year in mixed advanced the class is tailored to the needs and interests of the students. As students have the potential to be in this class for up to 3 years, the theatre department makes sure to change up style, technique, and projects to keep them challenged.

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