
5610 Morton Road


About Us

Aristoi Leadership

Mrs. Brenda Davidson

Interim Superintendent

Photo of Mr. Blaine Locheed

Mr. Blaine Locheed

Special Education Director

Photo of Mrs. Joanne Bravo

Mrs. Joanne Bravo

Chief Financial Officer

Photo of Mrs. Christi Lester

Mrs. Christi Lester

Chief Operating Officer

Aristoi District Faculty and Staff

Photo of Mrs. Patrice Alamatu

Mrs. Patrice Alamatu

Educational Diagnostician

Photo of Mrs. Ginna Balestrini

Mrs. Ginna Balestrini

ESL Coordinator

Photo of Mrs. Lauren Boling

Mrs. Lauren Boling

District Registrar

Photo of Mrs. Vikki Camper

Mrs. Vikki Camper

Special Education Coordinator

Photo of Ms. Jaqueline Carpio

Ms. Jaqueline Carpio

PEIMS Manager

Ms. Michelle Chacon

Special Education Clerk

Photo of Mrs. Julie Dold

Mrs. Julie Dold

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Photo of Ms. Anna Harris

Ms. Anna Harris

Human Resources Coordinator

Photo of Mr. Robert Jones

Mr. Robert Jones

Technology Operations

Photo of Mrs. Tiffany Madison

Mrs. Tiffany Madison

District Testing Coordinator

Photo of Ms. Kelly Miller

Ms. Kelly Miller

Admin. Asst. to Superintendent

Photo of Ms. Kate Ober

Ms. Kate Ober

Marketing and Communications

Mr. Kendrick Pratt

IT Specialist

Mr. Brandon Senegal

Facilities Manager

Ms. Marisa Trehy

Business Manager

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