
5610 Morton Road


Apply Now

Registration Procedures

Student at desk

Your child's desk is waiting!

You must first register through the SchoolMint Portal. Start your application.

Once you have submitted your application, you can check the student dashboard to see your child's ranking on the waitlist. If there is a spot available, SchoolMint will send you a notification by the method of communication chosen by you during the application process.

Dates of Enrollment

New Student applications (Open Enrollment) and Sibling Priority for the upcoming school year will be accepted starting January 1st through January 31st. Applications for the each school year will not be accepted prior to this time.

Lottery Procedures

During the first week of February, a lottery will be conducted to determine the order in which the applicants will be placed into available openings. All applicants will receive written notification within 15 business days of the application deadline, either offering admission or directing the applicants to SchoolMint Portal to view their place on the waiting list.

If an application is received after the lottery has passed, the applicant's name will be added to the bottom of the waiting list in the order received.

Required Enrollment Documentation

The Application for Enrollment is the only form required to apply for enrollment*.

Once you are notified that a spot is available and the spot is accepted, you will receive further information regarding registration. The following documents will be necessary for registration:

  1. Birth Certificate
  2. Social Security Card (Bring original and we will make a copy.)
  3. Report Card (Last report card) 
  4. Proof of Address (Current utility bill or lease agreement)
  5. Driver’s License (Of enrolling parent/guardian) 
  6. Immunization record
    1. To apply for an exemption from immunization, click on this link - Exemptions
  7. School Forms:
    1. Enrollment Form
    2. Consent to Release Records
    3. Ethnicity/Race Form
    4. Health Inventory
    5. Home Language Survey
    6. Military Survey
  8. Special Service Records (if applicable)
  9. Custody/Guardianship Papers (if applicable)

*Please note, to enroll your child in Kindergarten, they must be 5 years old by September 1st; there are no exceptions.

Contact the Registrar's Office at (281) 574-6132 or [email protected]

Hours: Monday - Friday from 8 AM - 4 PM

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